Today we want to introduce you to the legal form of general_partnership. If you are an entrepreneur who is considering running a business in this form, we encourage you to read the post below!

A general partnership is a personal commercial company that runs an enterprise under its own company name (business name).

This legal form, as in the case of a civil partnership, does not have legal personality but has legal capacity, which means that it can:

  • acquire rights on their own behalf,
  • incur liabilities,
  • hire employees,
  • purchase #real_estate,
  • be a party to a loan #agreement.

Partners of a general partnership may be:

  • natural person,
  • juridical person,
  • organizational units without legal personality.

A one-person general partnership cannot be established. If you decide to use this legal form, you must bear in mind that a partner in such a company cannot be a civil partnership due to the lack of legal entity.

When creating a general partnership agreement, you must remember that it must be concluded in writing under pain of nullity and should contain such elements as:

  • company (name) and seat of the company,
  • specification of contributions made by each of the partners,
  • subject of the company’s activity,
  • duration of the company (if specified).

The name of the general partnership should consist of the names or business names (names) of all partners or the name and business name of one or more partners. Additionally, it is required that the name should contain the designation “spółka jawna” or abbreviated as “sp. j. “

The property of the company is any property that has been contributed as a contribution by partners or acquired by the company during its existence.

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